Saturday, November 15, 2008

My True-blue . . .

Sketch the Journalist is definitely in this with me.

He played a major part in Worship-hop becoming active. {He named it!}

We started it with fellowship. We conversed about what matters.

That God is relational. He Wants Us.

So it is our natural response to give our King what he desires.

Sketch gave great clarity to this in his radio address on DJ Wade-O's online show.

Right here.

He also advocates for the WHH blog and provides links on Praise & Boombap as he finds them.

Sketch The MAN for real.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Teddy P is a Philly hiphop artist and he just dropped an album in the Worship-hop vein.

He posts as a member of the Community. And his CD is called 'Closer'.

Some cool downbeat music with inspired words of adoration.

Nice work.